I’d selected a route that went by this manmade lake and even cycled there to see if it was worth a visit. As a lake it’s nothing special; more to the point, you get nice views of it from the major road without having to go down and then puff up the steep road that leads to the lake itself. So my advice is to save time by seeing it from the major road. Once again, KANcycling cycles there so you don’t have to...

I had reserved a place in a Toho inn for the night, but had a very hard time finding the place. They told me it was “a short distance from the train station” but I searched for about half an hour for the train station without success. No wonder: the left photo shows the platform and the right photo shows the station building, such as it is. (Postscript: the inn was very nice once I’d managed to locate it.)

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